001 Long-tailed Meadowlark 002 Chilean Mockingbird 003 White-backed Stilt and Sanderling 004 Snowy-crowned Tern and Black Skimmers 005 Snowy-crowned Tern and Black Skimmers 006 Snowy-crowned Tern and Black Skimmers 007 White-backed Stilt 008 Semipalmated Sandpipers and Black Skimmers 009 Spectacled Tyrant 010 Spectacled Tyrant 011 House Wren 012 Many-coloured Rush Tyrant 013 Ticking Doradito 014 Ticking Doradito 015 Dusky Tapaculo 016 Dusky Tapaculo 017 Dusky Tapaculo 018 Tufted Tit-Tyrant 019 Grassland Yellow-Finch 020 Correndera Pipit 021 Semipalmated Sandpiper 022 Semipalmated Sandpiper 023 Franklin's Gull, Grey Gull and Brown-hooded Gulls 024 Snowy Plover 025 Ticking Doradito juv 026 Ticking Doradito juv 027 Rufous-tailed Plantcutter 028 White-tailed Kite 029 Yellow-billed Pintail 030 Ticking Doradito juv